Use the ZSS drivers exclusively for MOD playback. This prevents Oktalyzer and MED/OctaMED files from being played. Select this to use the ZSS drivers exclusively for MOD playback. This prevents Oktalyzer and MED/OctaMED files from being played. Use the ZSS drivers for MOD playback if possible. If ZSS cannot play the file, try the Sound Trecker drivers. Select this to use the ZSS drivers for MOD playback if possible. If ZSS cannot play the file, try the Sound Trecker drivers. Use the Sound Trecker drivers for MOD playback if possible. If Sound Trecker cannot play the file, try the ZSS drivers. Select this to use the Sound Trecker drivers for MOD playback if possible. If Sound Trecker cannot play the file, try the ZSS drivers. Use the Sound Trecker drivers exclusively for MOD playback. This prevents S3M and MTM files from being played. Select this to use the Sound Trecker drivers exclusively for MOD playback. This prevents S3M and MTM files from being played.